The church is not a building. The church truly is the people.
We encourage you to participate based on your passion or personal interests. We encourage you to reach out and connect with us.
join us!
Getting Involved
The church is not a building. The church truly is the people.
We encourage you to participate based on your passion or personal interests. We encourage you to reach out and connect with us.
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild provides art and environment for the sanctuary. They help set the scene for worship throughout the liturgical year. Volunteers are needed to help organize and implement changes to the sanctuary, setting up for communion and maintaining the altar area. For more information please reach out to Linda Klein.
This once a month league will provide you the opportunity for some friendship and fun! Whether you are a lifetime bowler or have never done it before, this is the league for you. Four players to a team (we can match you up with other if you don't have a full team). The cost is $20 per month per person. Contact Deacon Doreen Flanagan if you are interested or have questions. Let's get the ball rolling!
The counting team must be members of the church. This team must maintain a high degree of confidentiality regarding personal contributions. Members count all offerings, prepare deposits for the bank and the envelopes for posting into the church software system.
This group meets the second Thursday of the month. They plan activities to bring St. Paul's Church members together. The group creates mission projects ranging from creating a "Parishioner Cookbook," arranging meals/rides to appointments for parishioners to hospitality---such as food/drink after church events. These events can range from Church BBQ, Thanksgiving Pie and Cider, Christmas Tree Decorating to Mardi Gras Luncheon and much more! For more information about getting involved in this active ministry please contact Karin Kouril.
FULLY. RELY. ON. GOD. Starting as a bereavement group for widows, this active group meets once a month and is very involved in the life of St. Paul's. Assisting on events from Woman's Breakfast, Easter Baskets, to the ELC Food Pantry. If you want to share God's love and assist whenever a helping hand is needed please contact the church office at 631-754-4422 for details.
ladies aid
All women are invited to join monthly meetings of this group that began over 107 years ago when our church was founded. Their main focus is to raise money for the church and to assist with repairs and general needs. They have craft and bake sales and their biggest endeavor is the annual Mother's and Father's Day booklets. Over the years they've raised over $90,000 which included funding for our elevator. Please contact Mary O'Hara at 631-707-3041 for meeting details.
An important mission and ministry of St. Paul's is to serve the needs of our local community and those with food insecurity. We encourage members of our congregation to bring food items to church and place them in the 'red wagon' each week. Our donations go to the Ecumenical Lay Council Food Pantry located in the lower level of the First Presbyterian Church at 330 Main St. Northport. See details here.
We also stock a mini-panty near our church office. See the details here and read the article from The Observer, too! Contact Donna Galluccio for more information on how you can get involved with this important ministry.
Men's Friday morning Breakfast
A group of men get together on the third Friday of the month, and enjoy breakfast and fellowship at the Greenlawn Family Restaurant on Pulaski Road at 9am. No obligation, just a fun morning of conversation with other men - so come when you can! If you're interested, please reach out to Ed Basche for more information about this group.
prime timers
Once a month you can find this eclectic group sharing laughter and fellowship and the gift of God's love within the church family. You can find them meeting in the fellowship room for lunch, at a local restaurant or even a better fun morning out! Come enjoy friendship and comradery while continuing to give service to our Lord. For details, contact the church office at 631-754-4422.
music programs
Music is an important part of this church. Members have joined our Chancel Choir group, Children's Choir to our Handbell Choir as well as a wonderful Organist that plays at every service for us. For more information about our music programs please reach out to the church office at 631-754-4422.
Our ushers are the first point of contact with newcomers and church members at St. Paul's. If you're a welcoming person, we can always use your help! Volunteers are scheduled in advance through Fred Knechtel.
Arts and Crafts | fun and Fellowship
Won't you join us at our next craft session? Recently we created a Mason Jar tissue holder using chalk board paint. This "fun raising" event was a fundraiser hosted by Karin Kouril and Carole Dituro who expertly guided us and provided delicious holiday cookies and treats.