• Partners in Ministry

    Partners In Ministry exists to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to as many as possible by every means available. For a quarter of a century, they have been guided by a clear and compelling mission-to guide as many people as possible into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. They have always been a ministry that is driven by the conviction that lost people matter deeply to God (Luke 15). This belief has been reflected in all of the resources have developed and published for use within the local church.

  • St Paul's History & Vision

    We have been a part of this town since 1914. Since our beginning, St. Paul's has been known for its wonderful traditional worship and music. And, we understand that God continues to bless his people in new ways to bring praise to glory to God. 

    At St. Paul's we pay close attention to the needs of our congregation and the world around us. We have well-developed ministries for those who are sick or homebound. We have gifted Stephen Ministers who provide the emotional and spiritual care to those who are experiencing loss or other difficulties in their lives. We celebrate the gift of fellowship and we practice the gift of grace. 

    We are part of the Metropolitan New York Synod, a regional expression of the ELCA. 

    The Reverend Paul Egensteiner is our Bishop. Read his Welcome letter for our upcoming 2023 synod assembly hereThis year's theme, "Live Like Christ in Our Communities," is a powerful reminder of our Gospel calling to care for all people with the same compassion and empathy as Jesus would.

  • What's a Lutheran?

    One of the largest branches of Protestantism that identifies with the teachings of Martin Luther, a 16th-century German reformer. Luther's efforts to reform the theology and practice of the church launched the Protestant Reformation. The reaction of the government and church authorities to the international spread of his writings, beginning with the 95 Theses, divided Western Christianity.

  • elca

    The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is a mainline Protestant Lutheran Church headquartered in ChicagoIllinoisThe ELCA officially came into existence on January 1, 1988, by the merging of three Lutheran church bodies. As of December 31, 2020, there were 3.3 million baptized members in the ELCA. There were 8,900 congregations organized in 65 synods in nine geographic regions.

    This is Christ's church.

    There is a place for you here.

    We are the church that shares a living, daring confidence in God's grace. Liberated by our faith, we embrace you as a whole person--questions, complexities and all. Join us as we do God's work in Christ's name for the life of the world.